30?! W-T-F!

🎂 IT'S MY B-I-R-T-H-D-A-Y❗❗❗
WOW!!! I can't believe that this is the day I make the transition into my 30's!
Throughout my life, I have searched for what we all are in search of, PURPOSE. During this Pandemic, we have had a TON and I mean a TON of time to REFLECT and think about life as it has changed for us all. Some of us still have no clue what we should be doing or how to go about what we dream the most.
1. You are EXACTLY where you should be at this very moment. Embrace it and appreciate it because your life can change in a second. Everyone on the planet has seen this happen during this Pandemic. So, LIVE IN THE MOMENT and ENJOY what you have.
2. One of my MOST favorite quotes comes from the movie Lucy when Morgan Freeman states that "Us Humans are more interested in having than being'. True statement. I've learned that simply being is the most PEACEFUL way to live life.
3. Plan for UNEXPECTED. I know you're like "What? That doesn't even make sense" but it does. Let me explain. Have you ever made a flawless schedule and then BOOM something happens and throws you off so now you're behind the ULTIMATE MOST PRODUCTIVE week you could have ever had? Yes, we all have but there is a loop-hole that I have managed to find and it works out perfectly each time I'm "thrown off" by something I cannot control. Accept it. Work through it. Return to schedule. Our lives are not perfect so there is NO perfect schedule. If things happen your job as a human is to adapt, adjust, and attack!!! So what you're behind! It's life and you can only control what you can. So don't waste your wonderful God-Given health on things that aren't in your control. Leave some of the work to God TRUST me "Let Go and Let God" is REAL.